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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Women's Hockey

So I'm wathcing the women's gold medal hockey game (Canada Vs. USA if you don't know - and if you don't know, shame on you) and I've come to a couple of realizations. By the way, Canada is up 2-0 after the first period. Yeah.
First of all, the game is really slow. I realize I may get a few nasty comments about this, but I'm comparing it to men's hockey. I know that all of these women could skate circle around me, even though I used to be a pretty good skater, but having watched men's hockey for the last 37 years, it's pretty noticable. Men's hockey is, at times, so quick that it's hard to follow the play. I'm not having that problem tonight.
Second, I've noticed that women are really bad at the one-timer. Now for those who aren't in the know, a one-timer is a shot off the pass - no stopping the puck first, just smacking it as it comes to you. I've seen a few missed one-timers in the first period alone, and it's a little bit aggrevating.
Third, the women are a bit "nice" around the net. One play had a US player screening the Canadian goalie. When the goalie made the save, the American player fell on her. The goalie started to smack the American a little with her blocker, but the defense was almost helping the American up off the ice! In men's hockey, that American player would have a stick in her throat and another to the side of the head.
Now, as I'm writing this, I'm watching the second period go on, and I have to say the Canadian goalie is AMAZING!! I guess I just have to watch more women's hockey to get used to the pace. By the way, why are the women not allowed to bodycheck? These all seem like pretty tough girls, I think they could handle it. And why do they all have to wear full masks? I'm sure if they got a puck in the face they could take the pain. Christ, women go through the agony of childbirth, surely they can take a frozen rubber disc to the nose.

Anyway....GO CANADA GO!!!!!!!!!

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