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Friday, February 19, 2010

So I'm # 1

So I'm sitting in the living room thinking "I have things to say". What better way to get those thoughts across than starting a blog? Now I have no idea what to say....
I will say this, I am sick of Tiger Woods!! I watched the press conference this morning (it was my day off) and I have no idea why anybody cares that Tiger Woods stuck his manhood into women other than his wife. Why is this press worthy? Why did national networks break their normal broadcasting to show Tiger nearly cry and say he is the one responsible for his indiscretions? Of course he's responsible! But I don't care!! I want to see him play golf...and that's all. I saw one broadcaster in Boston say that she became a Tiger Woods hater when all this shit happened, but after his press conference she may watch him again. WHAT?!?!? Did she ever listen to Frank Sinatra? Did she ever think John F. Kennedy was a great president? Does she know if her favorite writer sleeps around on his/her wife/husband? If we start to judge our national heroes by what they do behind closed doors we wouldn't have any. These are people, real people, with a lot of money and influence. They make personal mistakes. BUT WHO CARES?!? Unless it affects me personally, Tiger, sleep with whoever you want...just start playing golf again soon.
Wow, I like ranting....

1 comment:

  1. "I have no idea why anybody cares that Tiger Woods stuck his manhood into women other than his wife. Why is this press worthy?"

    LOL & NO KIDDING. I was forced into watching the statement today (and by forced I mean 'too lazy to get off the couch and leave the room') and couldn't understand why the world had to come to a stop for that! Blech!
