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Friday, February 26, 2010

Best Sequels

So I'm surfing the web and I stumble across a couple of sites that list the top 25 sequels in movie history. I agreed with some and highly disagreed with others (Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban??? Really??). I thought I'd list my top ten, so here goes....

1. The Godfather, Part II
The first sequel to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards, is it better than the original? Maybe, but it's definitely just as good. Brilliant story telling, merging the story of a young Vito with the struggles of his son Michael. "It was you, Fredo. You broke my heart."

2. Kill Bill, Vol. 2
Although not really a sequel (the movie was cut into two smaller features because who's gonna sit through a four hour movie anymore?), Uma Thurman's kick-assity was so much fun. The final showdown with David Carradine may have been quick, but was wholly satisfying.

3. The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars was a lot of fun to watch, but Empire is the best of the six. Great story, Han's a badass, and Darth is Luke's father. Totally dark and brooding, kind of like space itself.

4. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
In my humble opinion, this is the only LOTR movie to see. The other two looked good, but dragged on and on. And you can make a case for that with the ending of Return Of The King, but getting there was hugely exciting.

5. The Road Warrior
Mad Max was a good movie, but dwelled a little too much on the emotions of Max with regards to his wife. The Road Warrior just let's it all hang out and is exciting from start to finish.

6. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Take a real badass in Arnie from the first movie and give him a new mission, include some of the best action scenes on film and crazy cool special got yourself a great follow-up!

7. Evil Dead 2
A lot of people think Army Of Darkness is the best of the Evil Dead trilogy. I disagree. Evil Dead 2 took the inventiveness of the first film and added some great humour to make it the best. Army Of Darkness went just a little too far.

8. Aliens
The first Alien movie had me scared of outer space beings. Aliens had me scared of Sigourney Weaver! Even though the kid was a little annoying at times, Weaver was Dirty Harry, John McClane and The Terminator rolled into one scary bitch!

9. The Bourne Ultimatum
I loved this third installment of the Bourne Trilogy. It was no nonsense, pure action throughout and kept me totally involved. Great excitement!

10. Rocky III
Yeah, that's right, I said it. I loved this hammy addition to the series. I saw this movie opening night in the theatre and it still remains the most fun I've ever had in a movie house. The crowd was right into it all along. When the Rocky III title came across the big screen with that music going the place cheered like I'd never heard before or since. So there!

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