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Monday, November 21, 2011


So I was thinking of a few things this past weekend that continue to bother me.  Some, I'm sure, you may agree with, others you may just shake your head at me, but I need to vent, so here it goes.....

#1 - WHY can't people merge into traffic properly???  Why must they go to the very end of the merge lane before trying to squeeze in front of a car that clearly doesn't want to stop?  Hopefully, everyone knows what the road sign above indicates.  We've all seen this picture of a dude lifting his leg and peeing, right?  Simply put it means you're lane is going to end soon so ya better get over into the lane to your left.  What the sign doesn't mean is continue to drive in the right lane until there is no possible place to go but the lane to your left, so hit the brakes, start edging in and cause grief to everybody behind you!  Why is there so much traffic on our streets?  I won't say it's all because of this, there are far too many cars in our city, but the  inability to merge into traffic causes slow downs all day long...not to mention avoidable fender-benders that everybody needs to slow down to look at.  Drives me crazy!  But not as crazy as....

#2 - WHY won't people allow you to merge into traffic???  This is one of the most insane and annoying occurrences on the road.  Why do you need to feel that you're ahead of me?  We're not racing to get to the same place with a million dollar prize on the line.  If you just let me in and allow me to merge at a decent speed, you wouldn't slow down at all...everything would be fine.  But nnnooooooooooo, you have to remain at least one car ahead of me for some unknown reason.  If everyone on the roads were just a little more courteous, road-rage would drop significantly.  

#3 - WHY won't someone tell me exactly how a crane is erected???  I know, this is a strange request, but let's think of this a little bit.  Cranes are massive structures.  They must weigh a few hundred tons, correct?  I have never, in almost 40 years of living in a city that boasts the second most buildings 12-stories and higher in the world, seen a crane being erected.  NEVER!  Have you?  If so, what is the process?  I have never seen the materials for crane construction being delivered to a site.  How do they get the cranes up?  Don't they need another crane to lift the pieces?  How does THAT crane get built??  This is something that has puzzled me since I was a young lad.  I joked, kind of, that cranes must be lowered by helicopters in the middle of the night...or possibly put there by aliens.  Seriously, have you ever walked down the street, a street you walk down everyday, and all of a sudden there's a 200 foot piece of metal where there wasn't the day before?  Am I really alone in this??  Well, I know I'm pretty much alone in....

#4 - My fear of whales!!  WHY don't other people share this fear with me.  Why do I get laughed at and teased?  I don't think a whale is going to chase me down the streets of Toronto...I'm not CRAZY!!!  But, let's look at this rationally.  Whales can grow to be 100 feet long and weigh over 100 tons.  That doesn't frighten you??  You're out on the ocean, sailing away on a beautiful day and a 10-story building swims up beside you.  The thought of that doesn't freak you out?!?  Oh, but they're such gentle creatures, they would never hurt you..........HOW DO YOU KNOW?!?!?  They could swallow you whole and not even know they've done it.  And by the way, it's ok for people to have a fear of spiders but not whales?!?!?  Oh no, a spider, eek, I guess I'LL STEP ON IT!!  You can't squish a whale with a wad of Kleenex, people!  

That's all...I'll let y'all think about that for a while....

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