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Monday, May 17, 2010

Ode To A "Pet"

On Friday, May 14th at approximately 6:00pm my wife and I said goodbye to our beloved dog, Saffy (real name Saffron). It was the first time I had to put down a pet due to old age and sickness, and let me tell you, it was absolutely, without a doubt, the hardest thing I ever had to go through. I haven't cried like that...ever! Not even when a human relative died!! She was the light of our lives and she will be sorely missed.
A little background on the best dog that ever lived. My wife, Denise, took her in after a friend from the Humane Society found her roaming the streets alone. We never knew her real age, but Denise and the vet assumed she was about 2 years old at the time. She was timid to start off, but became incredibly loyal quite quickly. At this time, Denise was living with a friend of mine and I only saw Saffy occasionally. This was 14 years ago. I started dating Denise four years later. When I came back from Vancouver, I came to stay with Denise and my friend until I could find a place on my own. Saffy nearly killed me that day...not really. She came flying through the screen door, right through the screen, barking and baring her teeth, what few teeth she had. As soon as she realized it was me, she was as apologetic as a dog could be. I loved her for that.
She was easily the smartest dog I knew. She would seem to understand everything that was said to her. She had an attitude which only enhanced her personality. She would quietly growl when she was happy, kinda like a cat purring. She stunk to high heaven, but I find I miss that smell when I come home now. She would bring her food into the living room where Denise and I eat, one mouthful at a time, just so she could eat with us. She hated other dogs, especially ones that were off leash. She would chase squirrels, cats, raccoons, and just about anything else that moved. If you held a tennis ball in your hand, you were the ruler of her world! I unconditionally loved that girl, and she unconditionally loved us. I wish I could stop thinking about her last moments and remember all the great times I had with her, but I guess that will take some time. I love you, Saffy, and always will!


  1. So sad Robbie :-( I'm so sorry.

  2. she loved JJ :) and I loved Saffy...I'm soooo sorry for your loss. I still miss JJ too...and the way they chased each other round the backyard...
    Laura (as in your old "under the stairs" lurker)
