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Friday, March 12, 2010

Jimi Lives!!

So I bought my first CD (other than a few bootlegs I got in New York) in more than three years on Tuesday, Jimi Hendrix' Valleys Of Neptune. The disc contains 12 new songs from a guy who's been dead for nearly 40 years. Some of the songs are just different studio versions of familiar titles such as Stone Free, Red House, Fire and Hear My Train A Comin'. The others are songs I had never heard before which, for a huge fan of Jimi's music, is just ducky. Most of the songs were recorded just before Noel Redding and Jimi had a difference of opinion that essentially broke up The Experience. As much as I like the CD for Jimi's wildly creative guitar licks, it reminded me of what a great drummer Mitch Mitchell was. The drumming is very prominent through all the songs and Mitchell's fast-paced work keeps up perfectly with Jimi's creativity. It's great!
Now the purchase of this CD reminded me of how old I am. I walked into Best Buy and asked the guy working in the music and games department where I could find the new Jimi Hendrix CD. (I asked him after looking around myself for 10 minutes and finding nothing but Lady GaGa and the like). He asked when the CD was released. I said "today!". He brought me around to one of the feature endcaps and pointed to the bottom shelf...THE BOTTOM SHELF! I realize that the kids today may not be into the music of the 60's and 70's, but the first studio music from a rock n' roll GOD in more than 30 years, a dead God at that, and it's on the bottom shelf??? I cringed, paid my $15 and left. But the clerk's total ignorance of who Jimi Hendrix was shocked and hurt me. I remember when I was 18, 19, 20 years old I knew all about musicians such as Elvis Presley, The Beatles and other such artists that changed the face (or ear) of music 30-40 years prior. Why don't kids the same age as I was then know anything about Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Doors, etc.? I was working a couple of weeks ago with a 21 year old who just got back from Vegas. He was telling me about some shows he went to. I told him, many years ago, I saw James Brown at Caesar's Palace. He looked at me puzzled and said "Is he a comedian?". WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? James Brown, the godfather of soul, and he had no idea who he was!! Now I didn't imagine he would have known James Brown's entire song catalog, but I sure as hell would have thought he had at least heard of the man!! I old or has today's youth just become so in-the-moment that they have no clue anything happened before they were born? I weep for our youth.....

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