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Wednesday, September 12, 2012


So I know this is gonna cause a bit of a stir, but I can't hold my tongue (fingers?) anymore. First of all, let me say I don't think what the Ontario government is doing is very fair. To mandate absolutely no right to bargain with teachers is kind of Nazi-like. I don't believe in Unions at all in this day and age...and I belong to one that takes $70 a month from me. Back in the 30's and 40's Unions were needed because of all the corruption in many industries. That was 80 years ago! But, for a government body to say "No, you can't speak" is asinine. That said, I'm appalled at what I'm reading on the Internet from the teachers. I have relatives that are teachers and I have friends and acquaintances that are teachers and I can't believe they're standing behind some of the things that are being written. I do believe teachers, in all capacities, work very hard, for the most part, in what has become a thankless job. I realize that some teachers, not all, work extra hours without pay and buy supplies for their classrooms with their own money. I also realize that being in the presence of kids all day long one may contract colds and flus and such. My question to these teachers that are shoving this info down my throat is "So what???". I was a retail manager for nearly twenty years. I worked, on average, 50 hours a week without any overtime pay...but I never went on the Internet to complain about it. I touched money and dealt with thousands of people every week, coughing and spitting as they talked, and I was allowed to take 5...FIVE...sick days, which I hardly ever used because I couldn't get a "substitute" manager in to work for me. And, here it is, I NEVER HAD 8 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS OFF!!! EVER!!!! I realize that teachers work at times through the summer, some teachers, but you're not waking up at 6am every morning and working until 6pm. I know of people that became teachers because they got their summers off. Because summers off is what teachers get!! Please stop telling me how much you do during the's your decision to do these things and I don't think I should put you on a pedestal for that. I'm STILL WORKING!! Try working 12 hours a day through the Christmas season. Teachers get those two weeks off, too!! Ok, I realize I'm sounding like a teacher basher...that is not my intent. I simply want some teachers to realize that they've had it quite good for a long time. Halving sick days to 10, TEN, doesn't seem like a big deal. Not being able to bank sick days and cash them out when you retire? Welcome to every other job in the world! (Not quite, but you get my drift). And please, say it with me, you all GET SUMMERS OFF. Oh, and your average wage is more than I've ever made in one year. Do teachers deserve it? Absolutely!!! But it's my opinion, and only my opinion, that a two year wage freeze ain't gonna kill you. Once again, in retail, I went upwards of five years without an increase. And now the teachers are being told not to spend their time running extra-curricular activities as a protest to the Liberals. I liken this to a 4 year old that didn't get their way and is sucking their thumb in their bedroom. The teachers are always, ALWAYS, going on about being there for their kids. This action will not make the general public empathize with you. Your Unions must think of a different way to go about this because, I'm hear to tell you all, there are more people who think the way I do than think the way you do at the moment. I think most teachers are amazing people and it's a job I could never do, but I think most of you are acting a little immature right now. I'm sorry if that offends anyone, I really am, but that's just my opinion.

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