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Saturday, April 17, 2010

I'm on the Internet!!!

So a little while back I got a link through Facebook to join a group that was trying to make a feature film on pocket change. This had to have been nearly two years ago. I joined the group, read a little about what they were trying to accomplish and thought nothing of it again. Flashforward over a year later. Some dude comes into the Blockbuster I run and starts talking about his film being presented at a cinema downtown. He tells us its called At Home By Myself With You. He says he got the funding from the film by asking ordinary people for their pocket change. Turns out it's the same guy who's Facebook group I joined all that time ago! Weird. So I go to his website ( and read a bit on how long it took to raise just $40,000. Still, really neat! A few weeks ago, the director, Kris Booth called my boss to find out if he could put a couple of posters in the window of my store since he's a local filmmaker and his movie was being released on DVD soon. I called up Kris yesterday, he came to the store, and now we have two posters for the film displayed in our windows. We only got one copy of the movie, but I agreed with him that this kind of stuff should be celebrated. The really cool thing is...his movie is going to Cannes!!! So cool!!!
Anyway, while he was at the store he took a little video and posted it on his website. So now I'm famous! I'm on the Internet, and it has nothing to do with porn!!

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